2022 Cornell Live Online Poomsae Tournament
Sunday, March 13
Contact Us: ectc.headtable@gmail.com
All competitors will compete in a single-elimination bracket in teams of up to three people in accordance with the ECTC team poomsae format.

There are 3 team poomsae divisions defined as follows:
A-Team: Black Belts Only
B-Team: Blue through Red Belts
C-Team: White through Green Belts
A-Team: Taebaek through Rd 8 and Pyongwon through Finals
B-Team: TG5/TG6 (Blue Belts) or TG7/TG8 (Red Belts)
C-Team: TG1/TG2 (White Belts) or TG3/TG4 (Green Belts)
Registered School Member: $35/competitor
Non-registered School Member: $45/competitor
If you have already submitted payment to Cornell University, no action needed at this time.
If you have not submitted payment to Cornell University and would like to pay via credit card, please email Carissa Fu at carissa.fu@gmail.com. We will send you an invoice with a link to pay via PayPal.
If paying via check, please make checks payable to "Ivy Northeast Collegiate Taekwondo Conference," email Carissa Fu letting us know of payment, and mail to:
c/o Dan Chuang
611 Green Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Brackets and YouTube Links will be updated the evening of Saturday, March 12.
A-Team Bracket & YouTube Ring 1 Live Stream
B-Team Bracket & YouTube Ring 2 Live Stream
C-Team Bracket & YouTube Ring 3 Live Stream
For questions/inquiries, please contact us at ectc.headtable@gmail.com.